Thursday, August 26, 2010

writing prompt: making lists

beliefs and disbeliefs

I believe that the world is primary,
and that God is good
(or a good idea anyway),
and that everyone looks at the sun,
it's just so damn beautiful

I believe you should be honest and open,
because death is inevitable
(which is another thing I know,
but wish I didn't)
and everyone deserves a chance
for you to love them.

I believe in that Girl Scout credo
of leaving a place
better than you found it,
which is to say
that I also believe
there's no reason to eat meat

Maybe because I believe
we're all connected,
(not in some pseudo-Buddhist way)
so I think there has to be something
at least almost as good
as a "free market" sounds

But there are things I understand
yet can't comprehend,
like how the universe is
always e x p a n d i n g,
and how people often like reality TV
much better than reality

And I don't know how you could
marry someone you didn't love,
or abandon the someones you did--
I'd never kill a man
in Reno, or anywhere,
and I'd hate to watch him die.

See I believe in lots of things:
the sensibility of a closed fist
(during rock paper scissors)
smoking cigarettes in the winter
(to keep out the cold),
and avoiding cliches
(like the plague).

Maybe we're all believers.